15 August 2005 – 15 August 2021
Loved and missed beyond words. Always and forever in our hearts.
The Lachlan McLaren Foundation has been created to honour the memory of a very special young man whose life was suddenly and brutally taken from him on his 16th birthday, 15th August 2021. He was a happy, carefree teenager walking his girlfriend home when he was hit and killed by a drugged driver. His final heroic act on this earth was to push his girlfriend out of the way of the out of control car and save her life. This tragedy should never have happened and his devastated family and friends will forever mourn the loss of a promising young man who and everything to live for. His one precious life has been taken from him in the cruellest most horrendous, senseless way.
Lachie was an exceptional Year 10 student who had so many dreams and ambitions. His passion was basketball, he loved playing in his #4 jersey for his team the Parkdale Pacers. He was training to be a Sergeant in the Australian Army cadet program and was excited for the future opportunities this would bring. He was a born leader, a natural public speaker, he was the happiest on the basketball court, swimming in the ocean, having fun hanging out with friends and camping in the bush with his family.
Lachie lived his life with passion and purpose. He showed genuine care and concern for others and just the pure love for life, he loved his people fiercely and they loved him.
Lachie, our kind hearted hero; smart, strong willed, loyal and courageous. His gorgeous face with its kind eyes, and cheekiest of grins were such a reflection of his beautiful heart. His bright and happy personality brought joy and happiness to those around him. He was a force of nature and his energy lit up our lives.
The Lachlan McLaren foundation has been created so that kindness and love can continue to be spread in his name.
A legacy is all about the actions you take during your life and the way those actions affect how people remember you.
In the aftermath of Lachie’s death it became evident just what an impact Lachie, even at such a young age, had had on the people around him. So many people shared stories of the kind and selfless actions he had been doing for others, sometimes seemingly small and insignificant acts had changed peoples’ lives. We realised Lachie had invested his life into something so much bigger than himself. He chose love, kindness, inclusion, joy, and courage and people loved him for it.
Lachie’s devastated family and friends are determined to see his legacy live on.
We want Lachie to be remembered, for who he was and the actions he took in his short life. He always had a kind word, that welcoming smile, time for others, he brought joy and light into a room, he showed respect to others, and his final selfless act on earth.
We thank Lachie for reminding us that it’s those everyday actions we take and choices that we make that make a difference and define us as human beings. The world deeply needs these acts of love and you inspire us to live our lives like you did, with a little more love and kindness and courage.
We honour Lachie’s life by recognising that his legacy lives on in us and in those who hear and share his story and are forever changed. His legacy lives on in every act of kindness and every act of self-sacrifice that we choose from now on.
We honour you Lachie and vow to hold your memory in our hearts forever. A child whose life was important to so many people, a life full of potential, a life that mattered. You were loved beyond measure.
“Sometimes the most profound impact you can have in the world is simply choosing to be kind”
— Rachel Marie Martin