Lachlan McLaren
15 August 2005 – 15 August 2021
Loved and missed beyond words. Always and forever in our hearts.
The Lachlan McLaren Foundation has been created to honour the memory of a very special young man whose life was suddenly and brutally taken from him on his 16th birthday, 15th August 2021.
He was a happy, carefree teenager walking his girlfriend home when he was hit and killed by a drugged driver.
His final heroic act on this earth was to push his girlfriend out of the way of the out of control car and save her life. This tragedy should never have happened and his devastated family and friends will forever mourn the loss of a promising young man who and everything to live for.
His one precious life has been taken from him in the cruellest most horrendous, senseless way. LEARN MORE

For the past three years Lachie’s family and friends have walked in his memory and will continue to do this each year to keep his memory alive and raise funds to help families suffering similar trauma to ours.

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